#Ukrainian #military fired on buses with women and children #SaveDonbass

Over the past two days has killed more than a hundred residents of the self-proclaimed People’s Republic of Luhansk. Among them are both civilians and fighters militia. Told the head of LC Valery swamp.

He also said that while trying to storm Natsgvardiya Happiness, Ukrainian troops fired into the house through the window, not caring that there may be someone. In the battle for the village Happiness security forces used heavy armored vehicles.

LC defense fighters began building antitank fortifications, which will not allow to come to Lugansk from the Happiness. Bolotov acknowledged that militias are planning to recapture the village, RIA “Novosti”.

Spokesman Lugansk Tatiana Pogukay police said that gunmen infiltrated “Luganskgaza” and installed on the roof of a machine gun.

Bolotov said authorities LC receive humanitarian aid from Russia. Militia fighters also help evacuate civilians and protect humanitarian corridors. Chapter LC said that security forces fired several times on buses, in which there were women and children.

[18+] Just view this video… This is Lughansk #SaveDonbassPeople

How do you think were these women a “russian terrorists” with whom fights Kiev junta? Or they are own people, and Kiev junta makes ​​a real GENOCIDE?!! THIS IS GENOCIDE!

Just look at this foto! Are they terrorists??? #SaveDonbassPeople #SaveDonbassPeopleFromUkrainianArmy

Hospitals in the city of Kramatorsk, which is in the area where a punitive operation of Ukrainian Armed Forces and National Guard units against protest movement of Donbass people is being carried out, have been instructed to evacuate people from the upper floors.

Ukrainian Air Force fighters are flying over Kramatorsk. Hospitals of the town have been ordered to evacuate patients from the upper floors in view of Ukrainian military forces probable actions, RIA Novosti informs with reference to a local militant.

Maternity hospital got the same instructions. Many institutions in Kramatorsk work short hours because of the risk of Ukrainian army active hostilities.



The Army of Ukraine bombed Lugansk-city! The killing of civilians. #SaveDonbassPeople #SaveDonbassPeopleFromUkrArmy

Yesterday at about 3 pm the Ukrainian Military Air Forces, which are subordinate to Kiev Junta, undertook an airstrike in the center of Lugansk. The fighting machine made a precision bombing, using the cluster bombs. The building of the Regional Administration was partly destroyed. The major destruction is on the first and on the third floors. There are the dead and the wounded. The doctors are working at a place. The number of the victims is going to be clarified.


Ukrainian Military Forces Use Tanks to Attack Civilians near Slavyansk

For the first time in the last two months, the Ukrainian Army has used tanks against civilians. According to RIA News, which refers to people from self-defence army, the tank attack is taking place now near Slavyansk in two directions, from Krasniy Liman town to Semyonovka. Militiamen also say that they managed to shot down one of the tanks.


The Ukrainian Army located their tanks at their checkpoints around Slavyansk and Kramatorsk. Three or four tanks were noticed near Slavyansk entrance from Krasniy Liman side. As people from militia claim, the Ukrainian tanks are trying to attack them, but highly mobile militia forces manage to avoid the attack.

Today, the Donetsk City Administration Deputy Head announced that 350 children and their parents were evacuated from Slavyansk, the city where the tension tends to grow due to the military operation held by Ukrainian government.

We recall that the punitive operation in southeastern Ukraine hasn’t been stopped yet. The main actions are held in Donetsk, Lugansk, Kramatorsk, Slavyansk, and Mariupol.

#StopUkrArmy #SaveDonbassPeopleFromUkrArmy #StopKievNazi

[BREAKING NEWS] Men Aged 18-40 Taken Away from Krasnyi Liman to Undisclosed Location

Members of Ukrainian punitive squads continue to perpetuate atrocities in the captured town of Krasnyi Liman.

In recent days, the slightest suspicion of supporting the resistance is enough to have people captured and brought away to undisclosed location. Practically all men aged 18-40 are deemed to be suspicious. The fate of the captured remains unknown — they could have been executed or taken to the equivalent of Nazi concentration camps.

Meanwhile the Ukrainian media are spreading lies about the “calm and polite” behavior of progovernment troops. However, numerous eyewitness reports confirm the opposite — many town residents are shot on the spot during so-called “identity checks”.

Ucraina, la strage dal cielo I filmati choc dell’ultimo raid

Le immagini girate dagli abitanti di Lugan ricordano a tratti Sarajevo: uomini senza vita, una donna a terra ricoperta di sangue, mucchi di corpi. Ecco la guerra che l’Europa non vuole vedere

Ucraina, la strage dal cielo I filmati choc dell'ultimo raid

Ucraina, la strage dal cielo I filmati choc dell’ultimo raid

Un bombardiere che va all’attacco tra lecase e le auto. I razzi che all’improvviso esplodono davanti al parco pubblico e portano la morte nella vita quotidiana di una città. Le immagini che arrivano da Lugansk, nell’Ucraina orientale, abbattono i giri di parole e gli eufemismi: è una guerra, vera. I filmati diffusi sulla Rete mostrano quello che è accaduto lunedì a Lugansk. Un raid che ha ucciso civili, distrutto auto, crivellato le abitazioni e il municipio.
Il governo di Kiev ha inizialmente negato che l’assalto fosse opera delle sue forze armate. E ha fatto circolare una versione di comodo: i danni erano stati provocati da un’arma anti-aerea, fatta partire accidentalmente da alcuni miliziani.

I video choc girati dagli abitanti invece hanno testimoniato cosa era accaduto: un assalto dal cielo, condotto da un Sukhoi 25 dell’aviazione di Kiev. Un bombardiere che ha usato razzi “a saturazione”, destinati a devastare una grande area senza nessuna possibilità di mira. E dopo i dispacci di alcune agenzie internazionali, questa verità che è stata infine riconosciuta anche dalle fonti delle autorità ucraine.

La scena ripresa subito dopo il raid è drammatica. A tratti ricorda Sarajevo. Si vedono numerosi uomini senza vita. Uno indossa la maglia a righe bianche-azzurra tipica dei miliziani filorussi. Ma c’è una donna a terra, coperta di sangue, che cerca riparo dietro una vettura. Ci sono mucchi di corpi. Uno ha la camicia bianca. Un altro è caduto accanto a un mazzo di chiavi. In un angolo sembra di distinguere due ragazzi. Davanti alla sede del comune, probabilmente il bersaglio della raffica di razzi, c’è una barricata di copertoni.

Il numero delle vittime è incerto, come tutta la situazione nella zona orientale dell’Ucraina, dove in molti centri la popolazione è a maggioranza legata a Mosca ed è insorta contro il nuovo governo di Kiev. Lugansk è una città con mezzo milione di abitanti, a pochi chilometri dal confine russo: lì è nato Sergej Bubka, il campione di salto in alto. In epoca staliniana era stata ribattezzata Vorosilovgrad, in onore del generale sovietico Kliment Vorosilov; poi con la fine dell’Urss è tornata al suo nome storico.

Quello che colpisce di quanto sta accadendo a Lugansk e prima ancora a Donestk è il disinteresse dei media occidentali per l’escalation bellica. Per togliere le città agli insorti, il governo ucraino sta usando sempre più spesso i bombardamenti aerei: attacchi indiscriminati, lanciati a ridosso delle case e dei parchi. È stato segnalato anche l’uso di ordigni a grappolo, per impedire ai ribelli il controllo del territorio. È una guerra, combattuta con in nome dell’Europa. Mentre l’Europa non vuole aprire gli occhi sulla strage che è già cominciata, cancellando dai grandi media le immagini dell’orrore.

Original here: http://espresso.repubblica.it/internazionale/2014/06/03/news/ucraina-la-strage-dal-cielo-i-filmati-choc-dell-ultimo-raid-1.168014

Ukrainian military shooting civilians and children!

Earlier, Ukrainian military opened fire on buses what evacuated children from Slavyansk in Crimean camp “Artek” .

National press secretary of Vyacheslav Ponomarev Mayor explained that incident, fortunately, nobody was hurt. According to her, on the export of children and other difficulties arose . So , buses with children stood at the checkpoint ukrainian military more than five hours , every minute of being in danger .

Recall Ukrainian military also shot a children’s hospital Slovyansk . One of the shells hit the emergency room . Fortunately, none of the young patients did not suffer – doctors managed to hide the kids in the basement.
One child, it is connected to a special machine , and doctors have not been able to pull out of the room . To save the boy , they covered incubator by mattresses. Doctors remained near the child during the bombing!