Thousands of refugees are running away from Ukraine to Russia!

A state of emergency is brought to an end in 15 districts of Rostov Region, which have common boarder with Ukraine.


The necessity of sustaining the vital functions in points of temporary dislocating of people, who are arriving at Rostov region from South-East Ukraine, became the reason of bringing the state of emergency to a close. The stream of refugees is increasing at every turn, about 7000 people have entered Russia during the last day. Women, children, and senior persons are those people who arrive at Rostov region in most cases. More than 2000 refugees from Donetsk and Lugansk Regions are in Crimea at the moment.

Remind that Ukrainian army has been putting special operation into practice in South-East Ukraine since the middle of April in order to quell the protest movement, which has appeared as the reaction to the change of authority, which took place in February after clashes of many days in Kiev and had signs of a coup. Active military actions were stopped during the time of President elections, which took place on the 25th of May, but were launched on the next day. This punitive operation has already led to the hundreds of victims and wounded among peaceful citizens.
Russia has repeatedly urged the authorities of Kiev to cease the violence on the East of Ukraine and allow peaceful population to get out of the district of military campaign.

We also recall: The Border guard of Ukraine did not let the refugees from Slavyansk go to Russia – was reported several days ago by the news agency ITAR-TASS.According to the agency, in the bus there were 17 women and 21 children, including infants. Since the border guard did not let the vehicle go, women and children were forced to cross the border on foot. Such actions of the Ukrainian border guards cause outrage. In the last few days, the Ukrainian army is firing centre of Slavyansk. During the so-called ”punitive operation” several civilians were killed. Previously, children’s hospital was under artillery fire.

[BREAKING NEWS] Men Aged 18-40 Taken Away from Krasnyi Liman to Undisclosed Location

Members of Ukrainian punitive squads continue to perpetuate atrocities in the captured town of Krasnyi Liman.

In recent days, the slightest suspicion of supporting the resistance is enough to have people captured and brought away to undisclosed location. Practically all men aged 18-40 are deemed to be suspicious. The fate of the captured remains unknown — they could have been executed or taken to the equivalent of Nazi concentration camps.

Meanwhile the Ukrainian media are spreading lies about the “calm and polite” behavior of progovernment troops. However, numerous eyewitness reports confirm the opposite — many town residents are shot on the spot during so-called “identity checks”.

Ucraina, la strage dal cielo I filmati choc dell’ultimo raid

Le immagini girate dagli abitanti di Lugan ricordano a tratti Sarajevo: uomini senza vita, una donna a terra ricoperta di sangue, mucchi di corpi. Ecco la guerra che l’Europa non vuole vedere

Ucraina, la strage dal cielo I filmati choc dell'ultimo raid

Ucraina, la strage dal cielo I filmati choc dell’ultimo raid

Un bombardiere che va all’attacco tra lecase e le auto. I razzi che all’improvviso esplodono davanti al parco pubblico e portano la morte nella vita quotidiana di una città. Le immagini che arrivano da Lugansk, nell’Ucraina orientale, abbattono i giri di parole e gli eufemismi: è una guerra, vera. I filmati diffusi sulla Rete mostrano quello che è accaduto lunedì a Lugansk. Un raid che ha ucciso civili, distrutto auto, crivellato le abitazioni e il municipio.
Il governo di Kiev ha inizialmente negato che l’assalto fosse opera delle sue forze armate. E ha fatto circolare una versione di comodo: i danni erano stati provocati da un’arma anti-aerea, fatta partire accidentalmente da alcuni miliziani.

I video choc girati dagli abitanti invece hanno testimoniato cosa era accaduto: un assalto dal cielo, condotto da un Sukhoi 25 dell’aviazione di Kiev. Un bombardiere che ha usato razzi “a saturazione”, destinati a devastare una grande area senza nessuna possibilità di mira. E dopo i dispacci di alcune agenzie internazionali, questa verità che è stata infine riconosciuta anche dalle fonti delle autorità ucraine.

La scena ripresa subito dopo il raid è drammatica. A tratti ricorda Sarajevo. Si vedono numerosi uomini senza vita. Uno indossa la maglia a righe bianche-azzurra tipica dei miliziani filorussi. Ma c’è una donna a terra, coperta di sangue, che cerca riparo dietro una vettura. Ci sono mucchi di corpi. Uno ha la camicia bianca. Un altro è caduto accanto a un mazzo di chiavi. In un angolo sembra di distinguere due ragazzi. Davanti alla sede del comune, probabilmente il bersaglio della raffica di razzi, c’è una barricata di copertoni.

Il numero delle vittime è incerto, come tutta la situazione nella zona orientale dell’Ucraina, dove in molti centri la popolazione è a maggioranza legata a Mosca ed è insorta contro il nuovo governo di Kiev. Lugansk è una città con mezzo milione di abitanti, a pochi chilometri dal confine russo: lì è nato Sergej Bubka, il campione di salto in alto. In epoca staliniana era stata ribattezzata Vorosilovgrad, in onore del generale sovietico Kliment Vorosilov; poi con la fine dell’Urss è tornata al suo nome storico.

Quello che colpisce di quanto sta accadendo a Lugansk e prima ancora a Donestk è il disinteresse dei media occidentali per l’escalation bellica. Per togliere le città agli insorti, il governo ucraino sta usando sempre più spesso i bombardamenti aerei: attacchi indiscriminati, lanciati a ridosso delle case e dei parchi. È stato segnalato anche l’uso di ordigni a grappolo, per impedire ai ribelli il controllo del territorio. È una guerra, combattuta con in nome dell’Europa. Mentre l’Europa non vuole aprire gli occhi sulla strage che è già cominciata, cancellando dai grandi media le immagini dell’orrore.

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Near the airport in Donetsk wounded eight years old boy

n militias and armed clash natsgvardii near Donetsk airport were injured two people , including one child. Eight years old boy hospitalized with shrapnel wounds . Man could not be saved .

– Trainee first class received shrapnel wounds forearm and hip on the street Urban Planners – said a source in the hospital LifeNews Donetsk.

As the source said in a health facility , the street on which he was wounded Sasha M. , located near the airport Prokofiev .

Mortally wounded in an attack security forces also received a man who worked on the street parking attendant Artemovskaya . Presumably, he died from a gunshot wound to the head.

– Who received another call from the street Shkvernika . There’s a man filled with blood. He was wounded in the head and leg – the source added . – In place of the ambulance left .

After the air strike and attack the airfield Ukrainian troops retreated to the woods , but then resumed the attack, trying to break through to the railway station, which is located nearby the center of transportation .

– In the train station there is a fight . Killed one local resident . According to preliminary information, he was shot by a sniper. It was a railway inspector – told LifeNews special correspondent Alex calico . – Above the station flew several helicopters that landed about 20 people. 20 minutes to get from the airport to the station on foot .

Law enforcers launched an attack on the airport building Prokofiev Donetsk day May 26 after it night , representatives from the words of self-defense , without firing a shot passed under control of militias. Air Harbor suspend flights. Managers left the tower, which is monitored in flight .

As the correspondent LifeNews from the scene at the airport goes shooting . Flew over the building of two military helicopters Ukrainian Armed Forces , one of which was shot down.

– Prior to this militia found on the outskirts of the airport group with unknown snipers equipment in the form of foreign and foreign weapons. And APC and supply vehicles – gave our reporter .

According to the security chief Alexander Khodakovskogo DNR , the decision to release the airport from Ukrainian guards was taken after the introduction of martial law in the DNI .

– We have put forward their demand – leave the DNR . In DNR martial law was imposed in connection with the weighted setting, respectively , we consider the location of foreign military unit as invalid , we did not have contracts with Ukraine to host military bases here . Accordingly, part of the airport , which is stationed here , was localized by us , – said Alexander Khodakovsky .

Militants “right sector” finished off the wounded comrades in hospital military.

In the hospital under Lysychansk Luhansk region militants “right sector” shot Ukrainian military.

In Expanse for Lisichansk Luhansk region National Guard and gunmen “right sector” shot is in the hospital wounded Ukrainian military, said the spokesperson of the People’s Republic of Lugansk Vladimir Inogorodsky. Wounded militiamen staff hid, ITAR-TASS reported.

Ukrainian military shot his 30 comrades who surrendered

Earlier it was reported that in the village near Rubezhnoye Lysychansk Luhansk region in the north of the militia surrendered soldiers of the Ukrainian army. Later their comrades opened fire on them.

Ukrainian military shot Thursday about 30 of their comrades who surrendered captured fighters self Lugansk People’s Republic, a spokesman militia Ostap Chorny.

Chornysaid that in the area Lysychansk battle began with the Ukrainian army units and natsgvardii. “When the Ukrainian military on a column of armored vehicles approached the Lisichanskiy militias tried to enter into negotiations with them, but they opened fire,” – he said. Then the military retreated, but 30 of them decided to stay and surrender, said the militiaman.
“In the prisoner surrendered 30 Ukrainian military <…> All of them (its the same) shot,” – he said.

Militias fed prisoners and decided to put them in the building of the local college. “When they were loaded into the bus and drove to college, the military shot the bus from a heavy machine gun,” – said the representative of the militia.
The fact that the shooting of prisoners confirmed by another prisoner Ukrainian soldiers, who on Thursday night presented the journalists. The prisoner himself as soldiers of the 30th Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. “We moved to the area in the north of Lisichanskiy. Commander ordered the shooting indiscriminately,” – said the prisoner. He said that he was left alone in the BMP during the retreat. As the military, militia saved him from bullets controlled Kiev soldiers.

As a result of the shelling Slovyansk destroyed several homes of civilians

As a result of the shelling of Slavic and Ukrainian security forces surrounding villages were partially destroyed several homes. This is reported by the representatives of the People’s Militia.

“In the area of ​​East Street Podolsky suffered from shrapnel shell house – broken windows, destroyed the roof, except in the yard barn burned. The hostess was not damaged, she hid in the basement when the shooting started, “- ITAR-TASS words of one of the militia. Interlocutor of the agency said that in the same area burned another house.

French journalists life under the Slavyansk wounded out of danger

Life French photojournalist injured in mortar attacks in the village near the town of Andreevka Sloviansk, is out of danger, the French newspaper Parisien reports citing a statement the Foreign Ministry of the Fifth Republic.

Earlier, the headquarters of the People’s Militia Sloviansk told RIA Novosti that a Slavic Saturday night killed an Italian journalist and his translator, wounded a reporter from France, but their names were not called.
Later on the Twitter page of Donetsk’s Republic reported that killed an Italian journalist Andrea Rokkelli and his translator Andrei Mironov. According to some media reports, was injured French correspondent William Rogulya of agency Wostok Press.

“He is alive, his condition is not serious”, – the newspaper quoted French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius.

In Ukraine killed Italian journalist

30 -year-old Andrea Rochelle was killed in a mortar attack on a Slavonic

Today it became known deaths in Ukraine Italian journalist Andrea Rochelle and his translator Andrei Mironov . They are both victims of a mortar attack perpetrated supposedly Ukrainian army.

30 -year-old Italian photographer Andrea Rochelle died May 24 as a result of a mortar attack by Slavonic , in the village Andreevka . The statement said the Italian Foreign Ministry , the circumstances of his death is not yet well established. Presumably , the shelling was committed Ukrainian military.

According to the French photographer William Rogulona , during a firefight between soldiers of the National Guard of Ukraine and supporters federalization journalists decided to hide in a ditch , but one of the shells fell right there. Mister Rogulon shrapnel wounds to both legs , and Andrea Rochelle and his translator Andrei Mironov , a former Soviet dissident , who learned Italian in Mordovia camp died.

“We were south Slavic – 2 km . 20 minutes we photographed when we started shooting Kalashnikovs . We ran into a ditch . Near began to explode charges – about 40 . At some point I stopped counting , but it was around 30-40 shells. The driver wanted to leave – and went without me. With him was another civilian – he was killed , “- said in an interview with William Rogulon RFI.

OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatovic urged ” promptly and thoroughly ” investigate a murder committed under the Slavonic , and bring the perpetrators to justice. ” These deaths are terrible reminders that not enough is being done to protect journalists who risk their lives working in Ukraine “, – said the organization released a statement.

By Andrea Rochelle published in Newsweek American and French Le Monde, he was one of the founders of photo agency Cesura and specialized in working in hot spots.